Vulamasango Südafrika

Our childhood experiences shape us for the rest of our life. Whether mainly fear or love and security prevail as we grow up makes an enormous difference. We are vulnerable to our environment when we are children. We are dependent on the people around us. We mimic the behaviour that we perceive around us and adjust accordingly in order to survive.

Unfortunately, too many children still grow up under conditions in which their basic needs of love, food, security and education are not met. We want to make a small contribution towards changing this. For this reason, we support projects which address these needs practically, professionally and on a personal basis.

One such project is Vulamasango in South Africa, an orphanage and day-care centre which offers more than 100 children from difficult backgrounds a safe and kind home. This project enables children to go to school so that as many of them as possible are able to lead an independent and hopefully happy life in the future. If you would like to know more about the project, please contact us.

